I crossed the road on the highway. even I went fishing on the peer. I love going fishing i grown up going fishing with my brother,dad,grandpal and me.when i was about a month old i threw my sippie cup in a lake. the first time i went deep sea fishing i seen a whale 2 great whites and a sting ray. i even got to go in the top bunk and see the boat driver. that was a life time memory.One night me and my brother sneaked in side the pool in the hotel and the water was freezing cold i felt like the cildrens blizard thats how cold it was that night. my second job i wanna be a professional fisher man. my first fish i ever i mean EVER. it was a catfish. Me and my dad when he was off work we always used to sneak out when my brother and sister was in school me and my dad went to the donut shop get some donut holes then get some worms and go to my familys secret fishing spot. when the fishing peer was still their. do you remember when that big storm came in? well of course the peer floated away and crashed into the rocks close to the place what opens the dam.